create a oneline ~/public_html/tagline.txt to appear here
~aewens - Systems Engineer, Software Developer, Graphics Designer.
~ben - things are not what they appear to be. nor are they otherwise.
~brendantcc - Your not-so-common tech-freak child. Yay.
~dgy - Winning love by daylight, fighting evil by moonlight, i am the one called Spider Man!
~drwasabi - π² π¨π¨ πππ FARDED πππ
~gwenillia - Mi ne naskiΔintis libera, sed mi kreantas mian liberecon.
~jan6 - Exist(e|a)nce is futile, all hail jan6!
~jjs - "Travel, change, interest, excitement! The whole world before you, and a horizon that's always changing!"
~jonathan - Sustainable health and happiness.
~jtmlis - perpetual fool, trying to drink from the information hydrant.
~jwcook - Loading... ββββββββββ 32%
~kilic - some rights reserved
~leavethegun - bring the canoli
~lohn - Lot's of complex emotions inside a human skin
~maddie - it's trash can, not trash cannot
~mif - Hi, My name is MIF, find me at
~omega - This is my web page, hello. That will be $5.
~shivrm - Not all those who wander are lost.